Thursday, September 18, 2014

Subject Line

Subject Line: Why’s He Got a Turnip in his Pipe?

By Dave Cottrell
Subject line – Why’s He Got a Turnip in his Pipe? Did that make you a bit curious? If you got that subject line in your email, would you open it? Could you resist opening it? Good!

Dr. Suess is very familiar to many of us. If you are under a hundred years old and you have children or grandchildren, you probably read books to them written by Dr. Suess. “The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, Go, Dog, Go,” are just a few of the familiar titles. How does Dr. Suess help you in getting people’s attention?
Copy writing is a skill that can make all the difference between making a sale or not, but unless you get people’s attention, first, the best copy in the world is just not going to get read.
Dr. Suess, used to do things like walking onto a bus “smoking” a pipe with a turnip in it. People would come up to him and ask him why he was smoking a pipe with a turnip in it! His answer was simple. “So that people will ask me why I have a turnip in my pipe!”
What a great way to start a conversation!!
This is what we’re all trying to do when we create a headline, an email subject line, a tweet or a share on FB and any other social media we use. 

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